by KrautScientist | Mar 20, 2013
Last week, I introduced you to two small hobby projects of mine involving greenskins. Now with a couple of models already built, the time had come to actually test the waters and get something painted. To be honest with you, I was a bit nervous: After all, I had...
by KrautScientist | Mar 15, 2013
Right, time for something finished for a change You may recall that I posted a work in progress Nurgle Terminator some time ago. This is what we looked like when we last saw him: In the meantime, I was taken by a fancy to actually finish this guy, so I put a bit more...
by KrautScientist | Mar 8, 2013
…well, at least in part. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me start with a small excurse (as I am wont to do). A word of warning, though: This will be a pretty wordy post, as we take another trip down memory lane… Anyway, let us talk og Orcs, shall we?...
by KrautScientist | Mar 5, 2013
Some time ago, I showed you my WIP model for my World Eaters’ counts as Dark Apostle. Now since I wanted to enter the finished model into cormadepanda’s modelling/painting contest over at Dakka, I had a real incentive of actually painting up this guy...
by KrautScientist | Mar 2, 2013
Hey everyone, just a quick post: Seeing how it’s Old Stuff Day today, I had a look through my backlog in order to find out whether there was anything that I wish would have made more of a splash back when it was posted. All in all, the interwebz have been very...