by KrautScientist | Feb 20, 2013
In today’s final installment of this mini series, let’s take a look at how my Hellrazor fared in the Eleventh Throne of Skulls Painting/Converting Contest: So the deadline for the contest came, and, as you know, my entry looked like this: But what was I up...
by KrautScientist | Feb 15, 2013
Welcome to the second of three posts dealing with my Heldrake conversion! Today on Raising Hell: the finished model. But before we reach that particular goal, here’s where we left off last time: With all the base colours in place, the next step was to apply the...
by KrautScientist | Feb 13, 2013
It’s plain to see that the various new Daemon Engines played a rather huge part in the last Chaos Space Marine release: While not everyone is especially fond of the Heldrake and fiend models, there’s no doubt that they add a new perspective to the army,...
by KrautScientist | Jan 16, 2013
While the Custodes army I started some time last year was originally just a small side project with a very limited scope and a “Why the hell not?” approach, several factors have led to the army expanding far beyond what was originally planned: One reason...
by KrautScientist | Jan 11, 2013
In the last installment of Totally Worth It, I talked about a pretty well recognised classic: The Inquisitor Rulebook. But this series would be extraordinarily boring if it only dealt with well-known stuff, so for today I have chosen something a bit more obscure: A...