by KrautScientist | Apr 23, 2019
Not much longer before I finally own a completely painted HeroQuest set — and it’s probably for the best, too, because my readers are likely getting bored with all of the HeroQuest content of late… Anyway, last time I blazed my way through some of...
by KrautScientist | Apr 15, 2019
Time for another update from the depths of the dungeon: With the hero and monster models for my HeroQuest set now accounted for,… …it was time to turn my attention to the furniture that comes with the game. Now I have been looking forward to this...
by KrautScientist | Apr 9, 2019
It’s back to HeroQuest this week, as my #HeroQuest2019 project slowly but surely reaches the home stretch, and I have some new models to share with you. So let’s not waste any time and get right into the meat of things, shall we? When we last talked about...
by KrautScientist | Mar 27, 2019
As key luminaries of the realm have aptly pointed out, one of the best things about HeroQuest is the Gargoyle: And while I stand by my earlier assessment that the Chaos Warlock is actually the cooler miniature, the Gargoyle pretty much won by sheer shock and awe...
by KrautScientist | Mar 20, 2019
In a way, all of the greenskins and undead I have painted for my #HeroQuest2019 project so far have mostly been a preparation for the models I want to share with you in today’s post — because even back when I got my first HeroQuest set, I immediately fell...