Malifaux: Ramos

I am often paralyzed with painting models like these. Masters, Generals, Lords, Bosses, and other important models are often intimidating to me. I want them to be the best painted models in my force and I become afraid of making a mistake. This model is the epitome of...

Malifaux: Joss

I've finished painting Joss for my M and SU crew for Malifaux. Joss is a henchman in Ramos' crew. This model was lots of fun to paint. In this post I'll share some pictures of the finished model.Read more ยป

Malifaux: Howard Langston

This week I finished painting the Howard Langston for my Malifaux crew. Howard Langston is the Steamborg Executioner who has been repaired by Ramos into a half cyborg underling. This model is a plastic model from the Wyrd Miniatures M & SU crew box. This model was...

Malifaux: Brass Arachnid

I painted up an Arcanist Brass Arachnid for Ramos' crew in Malifaux. This model joins the steam arachnids I shared last week in my progress for the crew. The model is from Wyrd's M & SU plastic crew box. This model is wonderfully detailed and was great fun...

Malifaux Steam Arachnids

After a demo game of Malifaux at Attack-X, I have started painting a crew with these Steam Arachnids. I've purchased the Ramos starter box and I am slowly working my way through the models. In this post I will share some pictures of the first five Steam Arachnids...