Slaaneshi Minotaurs – Realm Of Chaos Oldhammer Army

As everyday life dramas and work activities have ruled the days recently, only a few bits of hobbyness have managed to flourish. Most notable this morning are these Slaaneshi Minotaurs for my Realm Of Chaos army that were constructed last night. These are based on...

Slaaneshi Beastmen – Realm Of Chaos Oldhammer Army

I think it's worth pointing out again due to some confusion following my post about my Slaaneshi Chaos Warriors that these units are for a Realm of Chaos army to play with 3rd ed rules, not a warband. This army will contain a warband - I've just not got around to...

Warriors Of Slaanesh – Realm Of Chaos Oldhammer Army

This week I'm away at a conference with work, which means zero hobby time. I'm having withdrawal symptoms! (I'm also missing my family about the same amount ;-) So to keep in some kind of touch with everyday life I'm looking over some preparatory photos for my...

Hellstriders Of Slaanesh – Out Of The Box

This weekend I've upcycled some toys through eBay. At least I think that's the phrase my wife would use from her interiors blogging. Anyway, I've sold old lead for new toys. Huzzah. Here we have some Hellstriders of Slaanesh that will be joining the burgeoning ranks...

In What Can Pleasure Be Found?

Why, anything! Let your imagination run unbound by petty convention. Revel in the acts brought by your knowledge of Slaanesh. Even in the sternest discipline of arms there is satisfaction. So are the Lord of Pleasure's armies brought to the field, willing and ready...