TitanOwnersClub Walk UK Preparations

Hi One and All!Quick post, I've been working towards the first UK 'Titan Walk' link below, with both my Reaver project and on going Knight projects.http://titanownersclub.blogspot.com/2018/04/titan-owners-club-walk-2018-uk.htmlAs you can see I've put together a...

Reaver Titan – WIP #23 – Weapons

Hi everyone! thanks for popping by!Slow progress with the Reaver, I've taken to getting the weapons painted up.The titan power fist, I've opted to go for the classic black and white stripped look, using the same metallic black and white as I've used for the rest of...

Reaver Titan WIP Update – #22 Legs completed

Hi one and all,Just a quick update post with my Reaver Titan, I've now completed the legs, and have added the armour plates, toes and pistons to the model. Pleased to say they all when well with this stage. I had put off this part of the build, due to having to cut...

Reaver Titan – WIP #21 – Weapons Up!

 Hi One and All!Another quick post- work has been pretty crazy again with 4 days away from home..I've started work on the different carapace options for the Reaver, having both the Twin Laser Destructor and Plasma Blastgun options to go with the Apoc launcher....