Congrats to Richard Gray – Slayer Sword Winner 2014

Congrats to Richard Gray – Slayer Sword Winner 2014

It's not often you can say you have artwork and miniatures painted by a Slayer Sword Winner, however, as you may of read (They are still two of the most read posts here, see SideBar ) the artist Richard Gray painted my titans for me, and many well deserved...

Epic40K Titans – The Sale

Hi All,After many years of sitting on hundreds of mini's not being used Red Mist has decided to sell the entirety of his EPIC collection.  Well Epic is the word so before they go I thought I would share some pictures of his great work titans to...

Kickstarter-Curious: Cloning the Forge World Reaver Titan

Here’s an interesting one! A Kickstarter to clone Forge World’s Warhammer 40K Reaver Pattern Titan. I don’t really see how this could end well. Games Workshop’s legal troops are fierce at the best of times. This guy is literally asking for your...