Legio Crucius – Reaver No.2 – Update WIP #4

Hello All,Anoher week with further progress on the Reaver Titan, as yet, unnamed, for Legio Crucius.I've completed the build for the legs, with only details on the knee pistons and then a second coat of gold, then highlights on the gold trim remaining to be finished....

Legio Crucius – Reaver Titan No.2 – Update WIP #3

Hello one and all,Another week, with steady progress with the Reaver.This week I've added the shin armour plates, and pistons to the lower legs, The pistons will get an addition of silver to the ones that are visible. The trim needs to have a wash as well as...

Legio Crucius – Reaver Titan No.2 – Update WIP #2

Hello one and all,I've started adding details to my Reaver Titan lower section - Brass around the hips and knees, and then the lower leg details that are hidden behind the armour plates. I have also started work on the back reactor portion. The lower leg section has...