Legio Crucius – Reaver No.2 – WIP

Hello one and all!Weemen should really be renamed titanmen for the number of titans on here! I've started the build on my second Reaver - name to be asigned soon!The model has been washed and scrubbed, and then prepared for the build. I spent an evening cutting away...

Legio Crucius – Titan Weapon Upgrades – WIP

Hello One and All,Another week flies by, another hobby week complete. This week I have been working on the Reaver  Astramos weapon upgrades I have waiting to finish.ChainFistProbably one of the most sought after weapons, this one I found in my bitz box - no idea...

Legio Crucius Titan Weapons – Reaver and Warlord – WIP

Hello One and All,Some steady progress with regards additional weapons for the Warlord and Reaver.Warlord "Hells Daughter"I've added the Belicosa Volcano Cannon for the Warlord, this has had a magnet added to allow for the weapons to be switched. To finish I need to...

Crucius Titan Update – WIP Weapons and Kill Markings

Hello One and All,A quick WIP titan post for an update.Firstly, I have added honours and kill markings to my Titans from the Titan Owners Club UK Walk at Milton Keynes last year. I've used the transfers from the FW sheet. I will be having honours like this for any...

Reaver Titan No.2 – Legio Astorum – Unboxing and Start

Hello all, anyone who frequents this blog will know that Lord Halfpenny and myself are Titan nuts, and the elusive 6thDegree has two Warhounds too and LH and I are both admins at Titan Owners Club, so it may come as a surprise to some that I haven't yet built a Reaver...