WIP Pictures

Hi All,So I've had a few projects I' m working on:Daemon Prince,I'm working on a named Daemon prince using the Lord of the Rings Balog model- Steady progress with the skin so far. I am planning to have a lighter toned skin for the wings, and a deep coloured deamon...

Reaver Titan – make your own Decals

Hello!I think this might be the last Reaver WIP post before the big reveal, finished post.As you might have seen, I've painted my titan in the colours of the Legio Crucius. Unfortunately there are no Decal sheets for the legio - so I opted to make my own!Using some...

Reaver Titan – Transfer WIP

Hi one and all,To complete the Reaver I've decided to try to produce my own transfers. Currently there are no Decal sheets produced by GW, thus I opted to try something new.I have purchased some water slide decal sheet paper, and will be trying this out over the...

Reaver Ttan, meet Reaver Titan, and his little friend

Hello one and all,As my Reaver Titan project draws to an end, I thought it was a good time for the Reaver Titan to meet the other Titans of the household- other than the Knights!I've had the Armocast version of the Reaver for over 12 years, and still like the look of...