Legio Crucius Reaver Titan – How I installed the LED’s

Hi one and All!I just thoguth I'd do a quick post about the Reaver, and how I fitted the lights into the Head/ Torso of the model.The first part, and I can't stress this enough was to plan the installation before I started cutting into the model, one mistake could...

Reaver Titan – WIP #25 – Almost Done

Hi All!So we spotted that the Reaver had its first outing at the Titan Walk in June at Milton Keynes, where the Reaver took 2 Titan kills, taking out a Reaver and Warlord in one shooting phase - the titans had taken some damage before I opened fire.I've realised I've...

TitanOwnersClub UK Walk 2018 – Picture Heavy

Hi One all!The date 30th June 2018 will live as an event that blew my mind- we, the Weemen Siph and LH attended the TitanOwnersClub UK walk, which was incredible, I felt like a kid at Christmas... (we all did!)My force was:Just finished Reaver titan18 Knights,...

TitanOwnersClub UK Walk 2018 – Battle Photos

Hi Readers, thanks for dropping in. Saturday was a great event, the innagural Titan Owners Club Walk UK, and this was the battle. I bought along Reaver Honorum, Warhounds Canis Praetor and Canis Bellum. Lord Halfpenny bought along Reaver '11' to earn his name, and...

TitanOwnersClub UK Walk 2018 – Titan Photos

Hi Readers, this weekend was the Titan Owners Club inaugural UK Walk held in Milton Keynes, a great one day event which was absolutely great! So many Titans duelling, it was immense.My Coffin Ships ready for transportThe first order of business was meeting the fellow...