Life in Wreck-Age

The last couple of months I haven't touched much of my 40K stuff. Instead I've been totally immersed in helping out Hyacinth Games with getting a number of projects done, including trying to hash out and finalize the contents of their upcoming soft cover rule book,...

Dark Potential Reclaimers – A Review

This is long overdue, but following on from my interview all those months ago with Matthew Glanfield, one the creative minds behind Dark Potential, I got to take a look at a set of the toys from Dark Potential. Specifically the Reclaimers. The Reclaimers, for those...

Dark Potential – An Interview with Matthew Glanfield

Back in December last year I was shown a game by Adam of War More Radio and ODAM fame called Dark Potential. Visiting the sites I visit and knowing the people I do, there aren’t many games that escape my notice. That said, I am but one man. Adam having told me...