G’Day, Mate!

So with a recent run of bad weather I have acquired a rather large backlog of models awaiting undercoat, however just the other day we had some sunshine so I managed to get outside and undercoat enough models to keep me going for a few months...In the meantime, I have...

Topol ICBM (Counts as Deathstrike)

Continuing the resistance against our oppressors... I bring you, my SUPER WEAPON!With two more of these to be constructed, soon we will win our freedom, not through the ballot box or through righteous struggle of arms, but from blowing our oppressors to kingdom come...

Katyusha Truk (Counts as Manticore)

 A quick update on the Red Orktober project... I have produced the first of three Katyusha truks, to count as Manticores. I have the necessary materials (barring a couple rockets I hope to pick up this week) to make the other two.I am still waiting on the arrival...

Journal of a Sentient Grot: Red Orktober

Greetings, Comrades!Great tidings for us all, as I bring news of the great steps I have taken since my last communique!First, I infiltrated myself well among the meks shops of Ghallactika Thrakkits army, and managed to work mostly unseen. The main Mek of this tribe...

The Beginnings of the Revolution…

So I've been toying with the idea of doing a Grot Revolutionary army, hell I've been toying with that idea ever since I invented the character Ereyou, the protagonist in A Tale of Four Gamers many years ago... What I've really done lately is start to flesh out some...