Blood Pact 2

So Siege Studios are doing seven squad leaders - they have the bits (I hope) and we should see them soon (I hope).The first tranche of Blood Pact appeared here.  In the comments, Slovak said "I want to see thousands of them. Thousands."  So I've done some...

Blood Pact

Potentially on their way here soon:Paint by Siege Studios.  There's a video of these up on their fb page.  Curious construct renegade torsos, max mini heads, VL arms and legs, mostly GW weapons, either Secret Weapon or someone else's backpacks. The second...

First Blood in Raging Heroes TGG

Many thanks to Mr Lee for an incredibly fast first look at a Raging Heroes TGG model. This one is obviously a gun servitor.  One thing I am really enjoying about Mr Lee's work here is the sort of Piquard/Borg thing going on.  One could almost imagine her...

Belligera Rex

Paint and Pictures by Karitas.  This was entirely done out as a Legio Gyrphonia asset before being turned to the red side.  A labour of love by it's creator - cheers dude !  Anyway, it occurred to me that it hadn't actually been shown off at all, so...

Lord Zhufor

Leader of the Skulltakers, a World Eaters sub faction.  With a hell beast lurking in the background. Zhufor the Umpaler even has angry face on his hat.The Aspiring Champion, Riffla Victor, is a rising star in the forces of the arch enemy and may well be seen...