More lil’men that I painted.

These guys are Malifaux Freikorps.  I was in the FLGS in the Wirral and saw these; they were an impulse purchase, but I kinda like them.  Why anyone commonly known as Friekorps would be seen brandishing a Colt 45 and Kukri god only knows, but I get the...

Missing Stuff

So, Marshall Argos has asked about the org and det of 72AG; whether we are talking about my collection or the Devos IV fluff is by the by; my collection being a small slice of some of the units present.Anyway, yes: 72 AG has three Corps, XVII Korps, XVIII Corps and...

Over stretch

72AGs overarching plan was based on continued resistance by the PLA (the PDF and all other separatist forces) as a homogenous unit.  This is what 4* General Zukhov would have done[1]and despite the best efforts of his staff, is therefore what 72AG’s plan was...

Air War Over Devos IV

The Separatist Devos IV PDF’s air battalions were configured to fight a defensive delaying war; one designed to harass and disrupt an invader pending an Imperial relief mission.  There was categorically never any intent to take on an invading airforce in open...

Bloodcoat bodyguards

So, these fellows are supposed to be some sort of elite within the Devos IV PDF's 99th Infantry Regt.  Hence the power fist and bolt pistol guy leading two long-las and camelioline sharpshooters. I think these boys have come out slightly better than the officers...