Deeper into the bitzbox

Deeper into the bitzbox

 Cadian with Scion hellgun.He will possibly end up in 902 Div HQ somewhere - Gen Cdt Wellbahn could possibly do with a bodyguard.Now, I know these are Preatorians (Vicky Lamb heads and legs - stunningly good service [again]), but saw Col Winterbourne do some and...
Munching through the bitz box

Munching through the bitz box

Bodyguards for Danny Bloodcoat.  Pig Iron heads, scion bits and Urban Mammoth torsos.Same again but optimised for close combat.  This time with Heresy Miniatures 'skull mask' heads.Another three specialists - two with Cadian sniper arms and cloaks and one...
More Officers.

More Officers.

These fellows are the staff for La Guardia Presedentialae 2nd Devos Regt With their obligado base toppers and Puppetswar heads.And the squat form of their orbital defence officer (with his Eisenkarn head). The guy on the left will be a 13th Mech Regt....
More Bloodcoat Officers.

More Bloodcoat Officers.

General ("Danny Bloodcoat") Horpan (Scion Officer with Puppetswar head) and his attendant vox officer (scion vox, cadian legs and Pig Iron head).  The base topper under Danny B is a freebie from someone somewhere.Captain bitzbox, Admiral Nelsonx and Tacticae...