Late war account from the rebel side.

Bare concrete ceilings arched across large but not vast spans. Cavernous halls, some with triple bunkbeds and some with boxes of stores, stretched away for several hundred meters.  Naked bulbs hung on their wires, casting a harsh, uncompromising light on the...
Even more progress….

Even more progress….

This is the T-bolt that Karitas built, just because.  Well, not 'just because' but to give you a point of reference for the following photos:The T65 Yavin Interceptor now has a simple camo pattern and a couple of decals.  I find myself wishing that GW did a...
Excommunicate Traitoris: A Four-Way in the Garden

Excommunicate Traitoris: A Four-Way in the Garden

Excommunicate Traitoris: A Four-Way in the GardenThis is the Tau Gundam thingy.  If you play Tau and want your opponents not to shoot at the rest of your army, get one of these.  It attracted a lot of shooting which other wise would have been targeted at the...
Chaos Army – developing the coalition of the willing

Chaos Army – developing the coalition of the willing

So the core of my CSM army is the purple spearhead.  I realise that sounds a bit risque, but I suppose it's Slanneshi army, so its to be expected...This picture is more or less the whole bunch, which looks like this:3rd Element  Emperor’s...