Despoiling the Brick of Scrutiny

 What a lovely spring day for of spot of mild despoiling to warm oneself up for a forthcoming Black Crusade. Devos IV is not mainstream enough to warrant his personal attention, but hey, he'd too nice a figure to not lavish some care on.  And as...

Inside the city under siege

  Amongst those left in Xphonica once the city is encircled by the invaders from outer space, are those who were amongst the irregular groupings who supported and supplied muscle for the revolution.This includes Slanneshi aligned cultists.  They...

Streetfighter !

The Blood Pact arrived on Devos IV in some strength.  They were nearly prevented from landing by the vigilance of the Imperial Navy and the Black Templars.  But in the event perhaps two BCT sized formations were landed.  The Blood Pact were well...