Actual Macharian Thunderguard on Devos IV Part 2

The Lancers meet the only real point of resistance during the whole engagement, the Ogryn. The DKK Ulhans attack the Ogryn from the other flank.  The paucity of witches on the platform above is not due to the valour of the Iggies but by their fellows being...

Actual Macharian Thunderguard on Devos IV Part 1

A Thunderhawk has crashed.  The causes have not been transmitted to the local IG - enemy fire, mechanical failure, pilot error, who knows ? Also whose Thunderhawk is it ?  Black Templars ? or following the rumours it might be Vilya Fenryka or even...

Reaper Bones Cthulu thingy.

Such an interesting model to put together.  After a few years of building AFVs, to suddenly be confronted by a plethora of writhing tentacles, it was a bit different, to say the least.But nicely the reaper kits all seem to be constructed so that each part has a...

Crowded skies

This is the T-65 Strike Fighter, as flown in number by the PDF.  Their two single crewed airframes were the locally reproduced lightening, flown in the air defence (interceptor) role and the T-65 Strike Fighter flown in the 'strike' or ground attack...