World Book Day

It's world book day, so here we go again.  I blew ~£30 on this.  And I'm not too sure about it being VFM or not.Let's address the production values bit first:  The Horus Heresy books are being knocked out for anything from £70 to £90ish.  These are...

More Tigers.

You may remember me talking about posting and suggesting that posts about the Imperial Guard were generally easier because I was more familiar with what I actually have and who might be added in the near future.And then there is my previous post about the Tigers which...

Blood Pact finally organised.

So you all know that the hijacked transport ship destroyed by the Black Templars dropped off a large number of Blood Pact before being trashed.I'm anticipating them being a DKK Siege Army list. Etogaur.  Two bodyguards, bloodmage (counts as momento memori - for...

PDF 99th Line Infantry Regiment "The Bloodcoats"

Here they are without the copious heavy weapons detachments.  (2 chimera for the vets, 3 thudd guns, 3 Hvy Stubber, 3 Hvy Stubber, 5 Ogryn, 3 Mortars, 3 Mortars, 3 ac, 3 ac.)  The back line are not part of the platoons.  So there's three platoons of...

Devos IV PDF 13th Mechanised Infantry "The Tigers"

Here they are, three platoons - currently two platoons of two squads and a SWS each.  And one platoon of three squads.  I'd like to equalise these = three platoons of three squads and one SWS each.  These guys have a mortar section somewhere, but should...