Stock taking the forces of freedom and self determination.

Hi.Happy new year.  I like my Iggies and thus creating that stock take list I put up just before Christmas was pretty straight forward as I know more or less who they are and what they are (in list terms).  The forces of freedom and self determination (the...

2nd Regt Fire Support.

On the Brick of Scrutiny now are some more items assembled from the bounty from Devon.  These models are packed with character, but a bit of an arse; originally people used them just as stand alone models with the loader hanging around close by.Whilst that's fine...

Another broken rule

But to fair, one which was broken ages ago and then the stuff has been hanging around most of the year.  When I was looking for things of the Bay of Es, I would occasionally look at my old searches.  Which drew my attention to one of those 'collected...

Possible Blood Pact Stalk Tank ? I saw this and thought "Great, its Warlord Games so these things are going to be convertable and affordable." ie plastic.  But they arn't, they're £22 and metal.  Ho hum.I suppose if Bolt...

Just before Operation Dragonfire, in orbit.

There are reasons that the imperial Navy would not drop troops in position around Xyphonica.  And that they would only drop troops at Fort Nuttar when the FLOT was already in the Western Suburbs of the city, hundreds of Kloms away.  All of which date back to...