Catwalk Set by Micro Art Studio – Review (English version).

  Hello there Reader.   One thing I’ve been trying to do a  lot more with the blog lately is reviewing and showcasing different options in the miniature war gaming market to the Brazilian community and the blog’s audience. As you probably know it’s...

Outpost Kit by Warmill – Review (versão em português).

  Hello there Reader.   This is the portuguese version of the “Outpost Kit” review published here. If you missed it do check it out today.   +++   Salve Leitor.   Acabei levando bem mais tempo para escrever este artigo do que eu...

Outpost Kit by Warmill – Review (English version).

  Hello there Reader.   Writing this article took me a lot longer than I originally anticipated (sorry about that Harry!) but I want to believe the end result I’m presenting you here in this review is well worth the wait.   I wrote here on the blog a...