Mortarion Available for Pre-Order

Wow. That was quick. Forge World unveiled the next Primarch in their series – Mortarion of the Death Guard – last week and made him available for pre-purchase at last weekend’s Horus Heresy Weekender. Today, the Death Lord went up for pre-order....

Forge World Dread Saurian

I’ve been complaining that Forge World seems to be doing nothing but Horus Heresy. I suppose I was wrong. Today, Forge World Warhammer Forge previewed the Lizardmen Dread Saurian! The Dread Saurian Thoughts? That’s a beastly lizard! Let me know what you...

Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators

Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield!...

Unboxing: Heroic Ashara from Raging Heroes

A long (long) time ago, I wrote a short blog post about Raging Heroes Sci-Fi Blood Vestals. From the legion of miniatures companies cutting their teeth in the not-Games Workshops niche of the business, the sculpts from Raging Heroes stood out thanks to their quality...