A Tribute to Warmaster

As a bonus for our tribute to the Specialist Games range I’m delighted to be able to bring you a post about Warmaster. It was a game I always wanted to play but never got the opportunity so beyond reading the rules a very long time ago my experience is all but...

A Tribute to Battlefleet Gothic

Although I have a great fondness for all the Specialist Games, the greatest lament for me is the passing into legend of Battlefleet Gothic. If there was ever such a thing as a perfect game Battlefleet Gothic, in my opinion, is it. It came out during what I consider to...

A Tribute to Epic Armageddon

It’s well documented that I embarked on my adventures in wargaming at the tender age of 7 when I got a copy of Hero Quest. However, I didn’t properly understand just what I was letting myself in for until my brother got a copy of Epic: Space Marine....

A Tribute to Necromunda

Necromunda I have to say was my first real love affair with Games Workshop. I’d played 40K, Man ‘O’ War and Space Hulk to name a few, but it was Necromunda that really grabbed me the hobby spot and gave it a good rummage, as Phil would say. [He's right, I would. Ed.]...

A Tribute to Inquisitor

Looking back on Inquisitor, there was a lot wrong with it when it came out. The models, whilst beautiful, were far too big compared to anything similar of the same type of gaming, which made getting into it quite hard and conversions harder. It also required a...