Early Imperial Roman Legionaries – Victrix Product Review

I'm definitely into EIR and I like plastic models.  I was very much into the EIR's that Warlord Games released a few years ago despite their short comings, pun intended.  Back then I thought they had good detail despite a couple of poses having some serious...

Goofing around with Romans and Youtube

I do a bit of video work and post a lot of my karting videos on Youtube quite often.  I recently purchased some new video editing software and have been playing around with to see what its capable of doing, which is much more capable than previous software. ...

The Romans & Celts Return…

This blog has not seen Romans and Celts since August 2013. They've been safely packed away after my first attempt at writing the Dark Crucible rules was abandoned. There's been no inclination to revisit them, especially as my rule-writing exploits has turned to...

Heading back to Rome briefly…some more Romans

This time of the Foundry variety. This Praetorian was interesting to paint.  I struggled a little with the purple at first, but I think it turned out okay. I added a touch of golden colors to the armor.  Definitely going to do that a bit more on the...