Warlord Games spotted My Romans

And also asked if I would write a short article to post on their web page.  Follow the link to their Web Site if you care to read that, they have a lot of good articles:I greatly appreciate them giving me a small opportunity to help bring further awareness to a...

Finished Painting the Roman Unit

24 Strong.  I have plenty of command models from my older stuff, so this basically all troops with a Centurion, my newest veteran unit.  The Movement tray was something that I wanted to do since doing things like that for my Viking units. I think the front...

Some of the cooler rank and file Romans…..

Just about done with the Roman Unit.  This is a really cool stand.  I picked up some of the metal Warlord Games Romans.  The left most model is one of the really cool ones, that is in action throwing his pilum.  Nice dynamic pose for a second...

Shields!!!! Some more painted Romans

For this unit, I did a few conversions with some Romans raising their shields.  Pretty easy arm rotation conversion.  I plan to build some more like these to give that second rank a bit more action.   I'm again happy with the paint work and the color...

Centurion!! …..And other guy….

Hey finally cranking things up a bit. I was never really happy with my previous Romans in my WAB army.  And I recently sold off about half of that army.  My intention is to replace all of the stuff that I was not happy with, with some newer models. ...