Painted up some Foundry Romans

Painted up some Foundry Romans

 Been working on these guys for awhile.  A large unit of 24 Romans.  These are really nice miniatures to paint even if there are very few poses. I gave them a very generic base, something that someone else can add their own flock to, as I will be...

Roman Armour Test…

The painting continues. I've really got the bug here, so if I can't be painting models at least I'm painting something!The fascination with painting Roman Legionaries is driving my digital work at the moment. This week I started another image. It was supposed to be...

More Roman Artwork…

Another scribble from my wacom pad as I practice getting my digital art skills up to speed, something fun based upon a photo from Flickr. Another step in the right direction and more fodder for my Roman project.I'd actually like to get back to painting some models but...

Auxiliaries Arrive…

After weeks of procrastination and downright faff, some new models appeared on the painting tray yesterday. I have added an Auxiliary spearman and a couple of bowmen to the growing number of Romans waiting for paint. These should fill the gaps in the ever-expanding...

Roman Progress… Or Lack Of!

I was in hospital yesterday for a minor procedure and wasn't in good form on Monday. Over the weekend I was in the garden, continuing the rebuild of shed and patio, so no hobby progress has been made since last week. I haven't been able to manage much more this week...