Roman Casaulties

Squeezed in a couple of Romans that are bleeding out.  These are really rough casts for being relatively new.  The facial details are very rough and were difficult to make them look good.   So I did not spend much time on the faces,...

2nd Foundry Roman Tribune in Paint

Well the previous mini was a disappoint, by comparison this miniature was a pleasure to paint.  Its a nice sculpt, decent size, and smooth, very easy to paint.Like the previous two Roman officers, this model is for sale.  The basing I left plain...

Imperial Roman Officer – Painted and Rant

 I've had this miniature for a long time, a Warlord Games, Imperial Roman Officer.  Its an okay miniature by itself.   The miniature has some problems though such as the hands and the head, otherwise its just okay.Much like the Roman Tribune that I...

A Foundry Roman Tribune – Full Color

 I finished up this Foundry Roman Tribune while working on the Vikings today.  I do not have a use for this model, so its up for sale, probably Ebay after the first or the year, or best offer.  This a good sculpt, very easy to paint in comparison to the...

Merry Christmas from Rome

Having taken care of the family things this past weekend, I have a day to myself to work on things.  So merry Christmas to me, I get to paint and build toy soldiers today.  This is where I'm at this morning after adding the static grass and and grass...