Early Imperial Roman Casualties….

 Many of you have seen the ones on my movement trays, but I also have some on regular bases.  Here are a couple of the Warlord Games ones painted up on bases.  Short update much more coming up....

Painted Early Imperial Roman Archer Units

Of the Warlord Games metal miniatures for their Early Imperial Romans, it is my opinion these are the best of their line.This is not all of them that I have.  I have a few more currently on my painting desk, but its getting close to all of them.I think the shot...

Another short E.I. Roman update….

I'm sure when I got this piece.  Its the one off marching Roman from Warlord Games.  Its a fairly cool miniature, not sure why they came out with one solitary marching figure.But it is a cool looking miniature, and definitely completes my collection.I'll...

Painted Early Imperial Roman Onager

You are probably like, hey Warlord Games does not make that model, and you would be correct.  The Onager is a RAFM model with a converted plastic Warlord Games crew.So when you have tons of these miniatures, and need a siege weapon, this is what you do.And you...

Painted Roman Terrain Accessories

 Well in my trip of all things Roman lately, I have painted up some of my terrain pieces.Above you can see some of my engineers with them.  Its a variety pack of mini manufacturers.Eventually, I'm going to switch gears and build a marching camp terrain piece...