Sweet Sisters of Battle Cosplay

Daniel from Roses and Boltshells really likes to Cosplay. He's made both a suit of Imperial Fists Power armor, and Terminator Armor, which have been featured on Spikey Bits and around the tubes as well. But it doesn't stop there folks, he also made...

Cosplay Exclusive- Terminator Armor Project

Daniel from Roses and Boltshells was nice enough to let me repost the skinny on his latest project, a suit of Imperial Fists Terminator Armor. I hit him up the other day after he went live with his project to get the scoop, and unfortunately for me...

40k Cosplay as a Hobby – Getting Started Guide

By Daniel Høgh of Roses and Boltshells for Spikey Bits 40k as a hobby is all about collecting, assembling, painting and playing. It’s about making awesome stuff you either use or showcase – from the bog-standard black primed starter set marines to...

Interview: Daniel and Justina from Roses and Boltshells

Inside, we all secretly (or openly) want to be a part of the 40k universe. Every Warhammer 40,000 player wants to be a space marine, an Ork, or some other wild being from the forty-first millennium.Well, two people are one step closer to such. Twenty year old Justina...