Sometimes smaller is better.

Wait.  I'm talking about LED's.  Sheesh. Nevermind. A while back I had done research into the various methods of painting ethereal or ghostly miniatures.  The idea of sticking whitish blobs of painted plastic on the table sort of irked me. Yes.  I said irked.  It's a...

Fandoms and Games

A few thoughts on fandom and gamers. It’s amazing to watch online communities in gaming circles.  There is an amazing amount of innovation, creative thought, and brilliance of execution. But then, there’s the Dark Side….. More after the Jump. “C-130 rollin’ down the...

I don’t have problem. I have problems. Plural.

I was just thinking to myself while surfing the net. "Self, I kinda like those new Games Workshop Dark Eldar models." So, I looked into the new GW Dark Eldar models.  And yeah.  I do like them.  They look like fun models to paint.  I'm not much of one for 40k (not...