Stripping Paint Safely – A Detailed Look

Whether you're planning on painting models you picked up used or decided to restart something you're already working on, sometimes you need to remove paint from miniatures.I'm going to show you some ways to safely break down a miniature and strip the paint from it....

A Cautionary Tale of Chemical Reactions

Sometimes we're just going about our day, when suddenly a curve ball comes at you out of nowhere that you just weren't expecting.This isn't one of those stories.Wayne gave permission to use this discourse. He wanted his name included and that takes guts. I...

XP EP 48 – Hobby Safety!

Today Andrew discusses Hobby Safety after he had a recent incident of getting Super Glue in his eye while modeling. During this episode he discusses some things as: Safety glasses Cut Gloves Finger Tapes Dust Masks Where to spray Primer/Seal?  

The PAM Guide To: Safe On-line Shopping

Internet safety is essential. There have been numerous reports of suspected scammers affecting our very hobby recently: from the USA to the Ukraine to China. The activities vary from taking your money and not delivering the goods, to the more recent activities of...