Saga 2 First Impressions

I managed to get my hands on an early release copy of the new Saga rulebook at the Vapnartak show in York at the weekend. I am a huge fanboy when it comes to Saga. It's the best skirmish game I have played - the rules are easy to pick up, but there are levels of...

The Normans Phase One: Knight Unit pt2

Hi everyone,I have finished the first unit of my Norman Project for Saga!  This leaves me three more units in order to complete phase one.  Unfortunately I cannot go any faster, even though I wish I could.  Work has just got me bogged down at the moment...

The Normans Phase One: Knight Unit pt2

Hi everyone,Another short post as I work on my Norman Knights for Saga, especially the second edition coming out in February.So all the painting is done including the highlights and the low-lights, as well as the shield transfers.  I tried to match the colours of...

The Normans Phase One: Knight Unit pt1

Hi everyone,The journey continues with the Normans as I start painting my first unit - the Knights.  This unit will be part of a 4 point army that is the minimum require army size to play Saga.  The force will contain two elite mounted Knight units one...

Saga Normans – The Warlord – Finished!

Hi everyone,I am finally back and ready to start a new year of blogging.  To start off this first month I want to present the finished Norman Warlord I started last December.The painting is nothing special, but I kept the same techniques as the Vikings I painted...