Barrow Guardians WIP

A little progress on the Undead force. These are the Barrow Guardians of StoneGrave Moor. They are the elite troops, the one unit that might actually cause some damage on the battlefield. Originally I had intended just eight models for two Saga points, but decided...

Vikings Phase Two: The Shield Maidens pt.2

Hi everyone,So, I have begun work on my Shield Maidens,  and I have to admit they will certainly be my favourite unit in saga!I have finally narrowed down the miniatures to 8.  The choice was rather hard as I like them all, but I had to let 2 of them...


Two dozen zombies speed painted. These are predominantly plastic figures, mostly mantic with some GW bits. There's also some Wargames Factory historical bits from their Saxon range. The two main characters in the centre of the front row are metal figures from the now...

Vikings Phase Two: The Shield Maidens pt.1

Hi everyoneSo for the last unit of my Viking Force, I have gone off a slight tangent.  After painting over 30 vikings, I really do not want to paint any more beardy Sandinavians. So what was I going to do?Well, as it turns out I was watching the Vikings TV show...

V&V Miniatures Vikings Review

I have been keeping an eye on V&V Miniatures for the past year or so, as they released more and more vikings. Finally, with my birthday around the corner, I gave in to temptation and put in an order. I had read on facebook that they take a while to ship - it was about...