Horus Heresy Review: Cassian Dracos Reborn

Background. Left for dead on the plains of Isstvan by the traitors, Cassian Dracos did not succumb to his fate, but lived on in spite of everything going on around him! He took some damage in the process, but came out of the ordeal with something extra. Strengths. I...

Horus Heresy Review: Shadrak Meduson

Background. Whole books can (and have!) been written about Meduson (and even a book that was about him, but turned out to be not him, but Alpha Legion infiltrators -- see the Seventh Serpent from the Black Library).  Post betrayal, Meduson took command of the...

A Hero’s Ascension

To’Reen is an experienced Techmarine of the Salamanders Legion. The scars on his armour tell a tale of his grim battles during the Isstvan Dropsite Massacre. After his retreat he took the lead over a small group of survivors of his Legion. The Techmarine...

Angels of Death: Flameblade Strike Force

Do you love fire? Of course you do! Then the Flameblade Strike Force is for you. It can be taken by Salamanders and their successors (both of them), and accentuates both their affinity for fire and their personal independence. Even more exciting, the Salamanders'...

The Army of Fire

We return to the realms of Mantic and their new Kings of War miniatures.  I have been working on a number of them, especially the Salamanders.I have done a number of posts about them, showing what the sprues look like, etc., as well as different color...