At Salute 2017!

Last year I had the privilege to support Hasslefree miniatures at Salute with a sci-fi dungeon crawler game of my own design using the SH3D terrain I have incredibly slowly and painfully been building under the name "RandomSpaceQuest" - hopefully the name gives it...

On the workbench: Tyranids, Tau and something darker…

They say that a today desk is a tidy mind. Well, if they ever said the opposite about painting workbenches, I wouldn't disagree.Not very many updates recently, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been painting. I just haven't found the time to photograph things. Last...

My Salute 2016

So we made it in one piece to Salute yesterday (despite the rather bad roadworks on the way in).Unlike previous years we jumped straight in with the purchasing – there was a limited edition Guild Ball model for Bull's team that he wanted so we had to make sure they...

Salutations and Salute

Hello again!Things have been pretty hectic for me recently, as you can probably tell due to the lack of posts here. After many years, my wife and I have decided to move house and you will all be familiar with how stressful, and time consuming, such an enterprise can...

Salute 2015 – the loot

You simply don’t just visit Salute. You spend some hard earned cash on fancy new toy soldiers. And even though I’m trying to focus on a limited amount of projects […]