Terrain is everything – Ferron Fire Firs

My last update on these was April 2018. They've essentially sat in a box untouched until now. Other projects take priority and terrain often falls by the wayside. Frustratingly not a lot needed doing to complete them - the Red Planet BASE! and some additional...

Terrain is everything – Sanctum Imperialis – TO DONE!

Aah the Sanctum Imperalis… It's taken a while to get the opportunity to take pictures but I needed some to add to last season's hobby review.It's a big piece and so it's a struggle to fit it into my homemade light box but I got there in the end.As you may recall...

Terrain is everything – Sanctum Imperialis – Home stretch

By the time you read this the Sanctum Imperialis will be complete. All the finials have been painted,as well as the buttons and lanterns.Buttons and screens have been done internally too.With just some select Tamiya Clear to be added after varnishing. I tried to keep...

Terrain is everything – Sanctum Imperialis – Slow but grimy

This is becoming somewhat of a saga now. I've got all the stains to do and the shading but staining all these rivets is incredibly tedious and despite it solving my issues with the verdigris my motivation is through the floor - I think I need to do a separate 'where's...