Algoryns – Painting up some Add-Ons

Hi everyoneA short post this week.  I have received some reinforcements for my Algoryn squads in the form of single miniatures that I am currently painting up.  These are now on offer at the Warlord Games site, so I suggest you go and check them out if you...

Basing My Algoryns

Hi everyone,Well, as my Algoryn project nears completion, I thought I might write up a post on how I based them.I waited until all my army as painted before I started basing them.  I did this intentionally because I wanted a homogeneous look to them.I started by...

Second Algoryn AI Squad Ready

Hi everyone, So continuing from last week, I am presenting my last unit of Algoryn AI's as a small tutorial for a local friend who asked me how I painted them up.  All very simple and straight forward. After cleaning off the enamel wash with a q-tip from the...

The Last Two Algoryn Squads

Hi everyone,So I am on my last two units for my Algoryn Combat Force. The first are the Targeter Probes, and the second are the stalwart AI squad.  I am still working on these.So I will begin with the targeter probes.  I have to be honest and say these are...

Algoryn Plasma Cannon Support Ready

Hi everyone,I have finally finished my last support choice - the mighty Plasma Cannon! With this unit ready I am only two units away from completing my Algoryn project.  I am also happy to say that this blister pack came with the correct drone type!This is...