Bretonnian Pegasus Knights – WIP – #steakbet

I've started the unit of Pegasus Knights I'll be fielding in my Bretonnian army.  I've decided that one Pegasus shall be white, one black and one brown since the Hero on the grey Pegasus.As you can see, I've basecoated the center Pegasus and will be figuring out...

Bretonnian Peasant Archer Units – Finished. #steakbet

The two units of Bretonnian archers have been completed and assembly of the Pegasus Knights is imminent. I will someday actually set up a better photo lab so that my highlights can actually be seen in pictures I take. Grr...anyway - where are some images. The...

Bretonnian Peasant Archers WIP #steakbet

Nothing fancy, just a quick pre-wash WIP for the 2 units of 16 Peasant archers I'm working on as the babies sleep.  32 peasent archers have been base-coated and it irritates me that I used over 25 different colors on these guys and I haven't even gotten to...

Bretonnian Men-at-arms finished – #steakbet

Just finished this unit of Bretonnian men-at-arms.  I seriously need to get a display photography studio set up so that I don't have to use flash to make my pictures appear visible.  It totally washes out the colors and degrades the over all effect of the...