Best 3D Prints So Far

 A couple more weeks with a 3D printer... I've learned a lot, dialed in the settings for higher quality or quicker/efficient prints, and just wanted to share some of the best files & use-cases I've come across so far for 3D printing.This being a 'miniatures...

Tomb Kings are Live Today: Total War Warhammer 2

The Tomb Kings are live today, something I've been waiting for.... if I could just get a few moments to play. It looks rather awesome, and I may have a new favorite faction now. Of course we will talk more about it after I get the chance to sit down and play the...

Khemri Blood Bowl Team – Showcase

Evening All Doc here with a showcase of my completed converted Tomb Kings / Khemri team.  They are all converted from the old GW range now out of production.  I will say this was a fun little project and I decided to complete a full 16 player roster (ever...

Khemri Blood Bowl Team – WIP – Blood Bowl Fever 2017

Evening All,As blood bowl fever has reached fever pitch here at code40k I have decided to go with a tomb king themed team.  It also seems to make economic sense being as I have a large warhammer army that I havent barely used for the last two years!So off I went...