10 Questions Games Workshop Developers won’t answer.

This Tuesday we get a Q&A with GW game developers about the new Warhammer 40k rules for 9th edition. Here are the questions they would won't be answering. The post 10 Questions Games Workshop Developers won’t answer. appeared first on The Blood of Kittens...

What is Games Workshop’s Least Loved Army?

Can we tell by releases and content what army or faction Games Workshop seems to have the least amount of interesting in promoting or discussing ? The post What is Games Workshop’s Least Loved Army? appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Inspiring Astra Militarum Instagram Accounts

I’ve been recently growing my Instagram following by finding and following more Warhammer related accounts. During this quest, I’ve discovered so many new people, many with very few followers. So I thought I would spread the love and share some Inspiring...

My top 10 games that defined modern boardgaming

Like most top 10 lists, this is entirely subjective, your list won’t match my list, but that’s ok.Going back 40 years, most boardgames were   “Roll and move”, like Parchisi, monopoly, Game of Life.  These games lacked real decision making for the most...
Top 10 Magic Items of the Movies

Top 10 Magic Items of the Movies

The next installment of the Top 10 is Magic Items.  In the last two lists I looked at Magic Users: that's great for them, but what about the rest of us shmucks who don't have a magic attuned bone in our bodies? Luckily for us, the movies present us with the...