XP 87 – List Building with Ian and Jake!

Today Ian and Jake get together (WITHOUT ANDREW!!!!) to talk list building!   Lastly the Oh-Con Website is finished www.ohcon.squarespace.com and Registration is open! Also Check out our event OH-Con!

MRW Ep 1 – Why play Kings of War!

Today marks the start of Mantic Radio Weekly! This will be a weekly podcast covering all things Mantic Games! The Primary Host will be Andrew Sherman and his main game is Kings of War, but there will be content outside of just Kings of War on this podcast. It is...

MR 25 – 2014 Mantic Year in Review!

Today’s episode Mark and Andrew are back talking about 2014 as a whole! Show opening, mentions and no Cranky voice mail’s!: 00:00 – 15:00Musical interlude courtesy of The Cranky Lawyer! Mantic News:  15:00 – 23:00 And here is the link Mark...