by Andrew Dahl | Jun 23, 2014
I didn’t play any board games this weekend. Instead I spent most of the day Saturday playing in a Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Tournament. It was 1850 points and I brought my Space Wolves with an Astra Militarum allied detachment. The exact list is below:...
by Scrap Square | Dec 1, 2012
So I went to the Dust Warfare World championship a while ago.I chose to play the Allies, with a gimmicky but awesome list!''My list was:Bazooka JoeGrim reapersGunnersBoss squadBBQ squadSniper squad2x Fireballs with airdrop.The tournament was held at Fantasy Flight's...
by Scrap Square | May 20, 2012
So I went down to Tower games in Minneapolis this saturday to participate in a 35 point steam roller 2012 event with relaxed times and no reinforcements.I brought Saeryn and PvaylSareynAngeliousScytheanSeraphShredderMax swordsmenShepardGobbersDeath...