Weekend Gaming: Warhammer 40k

This Saturday I played in a local Warhammer 40k tournament with my Space Wolves.  For 1850 points I brought seven Thunderwolves – including a Wolf Lord, two Drop Pods with Grey Hunters, a Drop Pod with Melta Wolf Guard, two Lascannon/Plasma Gun Razorbacks with...

Weekend Gaming: New Games and Warhammer 40k

This weekend, we were out of town for a Warhammer 40k tournament.  We were staying at Nick’s house, so we spent Thursday night learning one of his new games, Tzolk’in.  It was an interesting game with plenty to track and plan for.  The main part of the...

Weekend Gaming: Rogue Trader

I didn’t play any board games this weekend.  Instead I spent most of the day Saturday playing in a Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Tournament.  It was 1850 points and I brought my Space Wolves with an Astra Militarum allied detachment.  The exact list is below:...

Dust Warfare World Championships

So I went to the Dust Warfare World championship a while ago.I chose to play the Allies, with a gimmicky but awesome list!''My list was:Bazooka JoeGrim reapersGunnersBoss squadBBQ squadSniper squad2x Fireballs with airdrop.The tournament was held at Fantasy Flight's...

35pt LOE steam roller report

So I went down to Tower games in Minneapolis this saturday to participate in a 35 point steam roller 2012 event with relaxed times and no reinforcements.I brought Saeryn and PvaylSareynAngeliousScytheanSeraphShredderMax swordsmenShepardGobbersDeath...