Gellar Field Charlie: Games

(Part one can be found HERE) Round one I was on the snow table with the Grey Knights/Space Wolves/Space Marine/Inquisition army, bunch of purifiers, squad of TH terminators, squad of centurions, bunch of psykers with various gimmicks, some mandatory chaff squads of...

Gellar Field Charlie: Setup

They have so much terrain they have a special shelf for Evil Shrines.  I approve! Saturday some fellow locals and I trekked out to Atomic Empire in Durham for a 40K tournament.  I'm not a big tourney player, but several others were planning to go and we are in a lull...

Batman Tournament at Titan Games

Titan Games hosted a tournament for the Batman Miniatures Game this Saturday with some impressive prize support provided by Knight Models. There were enough prizes in fact for every-one attending to leave with something...more on that in a moment though...For those of...