The Imperiad Grand Tournament: Prelude

The Imperiad Grand Tournament: Prelude

  With the completion of my second Stormtalon, my army was ready for the Imperiad. I played five practice games with this list, which is more than I usually practice before a tournament. In fact, I won 4 of the 5 games, my longest winning streak in a while. I...
Why having Door prizes is important.

Why having Door prizes is important.

Now, typically, a lot of tournaments do not offer “door prizes” as much more than a novelty prize of some type. However, in our tournaments the door prizes are legitimate awards. In GW tournaments you win back your entry fee, or in X-Wing, a whole ship. After...
NOVA Open Space Wolf List

NOVA Open Space Wolf List

 I've played a lot more in the last month than I have so far in this year. This is very exciting for me. I partially credit the release of 7th edition for my renewed enthusiasm. But the NOVA Open is also quickly approaching and I need to get some practice...

Clan Raukaan vs Orks (Feast of Blade style)

So, I tried out a list for FoB: 1x Knight Errant, 3x Dreadnoughts with assault cannons, 2x Dreadnoughts with Multi Melta, 2x Razorbacks (lascannon) with 5 tac marines, a stormtalon, and Master of forge with Gorgan Chain.  This was not my original concept, but...