X-Wing: Sportsmanship problems?

X-Wing: Sportsmanship problems?

There can be no doubt that Good Sportsmanship is expected across all gaming systems. However, X-wing, as I have found, deals with it in a pretty specific way. The rulebook itself tells you what to do, especially in tournaments.I would say the most common argument in...
Blog Wars 7 – a Weemans overview (with lots of pics)

Blog Wars 7 – a Weemans overview (with lots of pics)

So Blog Wars 7 “Retribution” has come and gone and with it the fretting and playtesting of lists (I did neither) and last minute painting (I did quite a bit of that). I’ve got to say – this was probably one of the most enjoyable I’ve been to. That was in part the...
Helpful hints to run your own tournament.

Helpful hints to run your own tournament.

As you may know, the boys and I have been running a number of tournaments across GW’s three gaming systems. We started off in January and have run events ranging from 8 to 38 players. Across all of these tournaments, we have used a similar system of scoring, judging...
An Objective Perspective on 7th Edition (link)

An Objective Perspective on 7th Edition (link)

TJ here to share a link to an article that I really enjoyed by Mike Brandt of the Nova Open. I know many folks in our audience are not necessarily tournament players, but I am almost exclusively one. Looking at 7th edition from the outside (I am deployed and see the...
Blog Wars 7 Tournament List – Iron Warriors

Blog Wars 7 Tournament List – Iron Warriors

Hi all - this weekend is the 7th iteration of the worlds best 40K tournament; Blog Wars. All the Weemen have been to at least one of these Tournaments, but I am proud to say that I've been to every one so far.Unfortunately Siph and Lord H wont be able to make it this...