Mechanicum – Thallax Special Weapons

Mechanicum – Thallax Special Weapons

Continuing work for the Old Line Massacre : )When FW first released the Thallax warriors, I quickly ordered three pack of three, unsure of exactly how special weapons would integrate into the squads. Once I'd seen the rules for them I decided to paint up six of the...
Wollongong Fantasy Doubles Tournament

Wollongong Fantasy Doubles Tournament

Well the day is over and we are all back up here in Sydney. First off, I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to all the players in today's tournament. Especially Tim, the manager down there. Brilliant GW employee who really gives the company a good name. Anyway, today we...
Mechanicum – Myrmidon Secutars stand ready.

Mechanicum – Myrmidon Secutars stand ready.

Preparations for the Old Line Massacre continue apace. This week I've finished off these kit-bashed Myrmidons that you may remember from this post HERE. I've also wrapped up a couple of other models too, but I'll post about those later.The jury is still out on these...

40K Tournament Report: Chaos Space Marines 6th Edition Farewell

This past Saturday was an 1,850 Warhammer 40K tournament at my FLGS. It’s the last 40K 6th edition tournament I’ll get to play in since 7th edition is arriving this week. I brought the Disciples of Twilight, my Chaos Space Marines, using this list here....