Escalation at 750 points – Tournament chatter.

Escalation at 750 points – Tournament chatter.

Our next singles tournament is on at the end of May (40k is now on the last Saturday of EVERY month), and we decided to roll it as a completely “GW original” event. So there are no restrictions on Super Heavies or D weapons (as we had before). Let’s be serious for a...
Adepticon 2014 Recap

Adepticon 2014 Recap

What a whirlwind of a week it's been! This was my first Adepticon, and I had an absolute blast. There was so much to see and do, I hardly know where to start.Calm before the Warp Storm. I played Necromunda, Lord of the Rings, and Saga- one each day. It seemed...

New Games Workshop Website Live!

After the mysterious activities on the Games Workshop website yesterday, presumably just to build tension (given that these days there is no technical reason to take a site offline for a whole day to launch a web site!) it’s back, it’s new and, er, well is...
The Relentless March of the OrcOgres

The Relentless March of the OrcOgres

So the relentless March of the Orc Ogre painting project continues! I have painted another 6 ogres this week and with the announcement of the Cry Havok Tournament (Details here: on the 14th of...