Complete debrief of the Warzone Open.

Complete debrief of the Warzone Open.

Alright, so as I said before, yesterday was a great success.Here is a link to all of the photos taken across the day: had 22 players play out at GW Sydney during the...
Doubles Tournament Report: Game 3

Doubles Tournament Report: Game 3

Our last game was the only game to use an Escalation unit. It was Big Guns Never Tire with 4 objectives with Hammer and Anvil deployment, and our opponents were Orks and Tau with Chaos Space Marine allies.OrksBig Mek w/ Kustom Force Field, Grot Oilers10 Grots w/ Ork...
Doubles Tournament Report: Game 2

Doubles Tournament Report: Game 2

Our second game was Crusade with 4 objectives with Vanguard Strike deployment. Our opponents turned out to be Chaos Space Marines and Tau.Chaos Space MarinesChaos Sorceror10 Cultists10 CultistsHeldrake w/ BaleflamerHeldrake w/ Baleflamer2 Obliterators2 Obliterators2...
Warzone Battle Brothers

Warzone Battle Brothers

Alright, so we always talk about our upcoming events on the blog before their "official" announcement. Today, we have the preliminary information on the Battle Brothers event.5th April at Games Workshop: Sydney.500 Points each player.Revised Force Orginisation...