Doubles Tournament Report: Game 1

Doubles Tournament Report: Game 1

Our first game was Purge the Alien with Dawn of War deployment, and our opponents were Necrons and Chaos Daemons. As far as I can tell, their lists were:NecronsOverlord5 Warriors w/ Nightscythe5 Warriors w/ Nightscythe5 Warriors w/ NightscytheAnnihilation...
Countdown to Warzone.

Countdown to Warzone.

Alright, so we have less than a week to go! We have had a great response from the gaming community and hope to get 16+ players down at the tournament. Some of these guys have never been to an event before, and some are only still in their single digit gaming...

Disciples of Twilight: 1,000pt 40K Tournament List

I’m getting ready to head out to a 1,000pt 40K tournament at my LGS this morning and thought I would share the list I’m trying out. I don’t normally post my lists, though I do occasionally in my Battle Reviews, but I’m pretty excited to try...
Tournament results: Swords and Superheroes

Tournament results: Swords and Superheroes

Last weekend I ventured out Kingwood's Sword and Superheroes to participant in a small RTT. I was actually going to let my minis see the light of day and do more than Theory Hammer.This is going to be more of an overview than a turn by turn battle so I hope you all...